Instead of creating a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure as per the title of this section in the Bootstrapping Microservices book, we'll be creating a container orchestration cluster in AWS. AWS has two services for container orchestration: ECS (Elastic Container Service) and EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service). ECS is Amazon's own alternative to Kubernetes and it is typically easier to set up and scale. However, EKS, Amazon's managed Kubernetes service, is cloud platform agnostic and generally offers more flexibility and advanced features. Now you know two more confusing AWS initialisms!
For this walkthrough, EKS is the clear choice to go along with the textbook. Just like the other services we've worked with in the past, we can do this through the console or through the CLI. Normally I prefer using the CLI, but when it comes to more complex operations with more options, I feel more comfortable in the console where you can see all the options and be more sure that you're not missing anything. So for this article, I'll be switching back and forth between the console for some of the more involved actions and the CLI for simpler actions.
Before we get started let's break down the cost of starting a Kubernetes cluster. With AWS it's always important to be cost aware to prevent your bill from skyrocketing accidentally. Provisioning an EKS cluster will cost us for both the cluster and the EC2 instances that will act as worker nodes that make up the cluster. We also won't be able to use the free tier for either of these as EKS isn't part of the free tier and the only EC2 instances we can use are too small to hold our docker image along with the Kubernetes and Docker overhead. This might sound scary, but EKS costs 10 cents per hour and a t3.small instance will give us just enough memory with 2gb and only cost us about 2 cents per hour. So if we're able to get this up and running then torn down within an hour, it should only cost us 12 cents. Every extra hour will cost us another 12 cents. Small cost for the gift of knowledge and experience!
So with all that, let's create a cluster! First we'll just have to navigate to the EKS console and click "Create cluster". From there we get the cluster configuration screen. Like the book, I named my cluster bmdk1. Next, we'll then need to create a cluster service role. The console gives us a handy button to create a role in a new tab so we don't have to start anything over. Click "Create a role in IAM console" and we'll get a 3 step process for creating a role. For step 1, we're just defining that we're giving a role to an EKS cluster and we can stick with the default options and click next. Step 2 will show the recommended permissions policy to add to the role, "AmazonEKSClusterPolicy". This is an AWS managed policy that gives Kubernetes the permissions it requires to manage resources. For Step 3 we'll just need to give our role a name (I used “eksClusterRole”) and create it. Once this role is created, we can refresh the list of cluster service roles and attach it to our cluster.
Next we'll have to specify the VPC to use. A VPC (virtual private cloud) is an isolated section of cloud infastructure that we can control the traffic for. Basically, if we want some resrouces to be private and not accessible from the Internet, we can configure them properly in a VPC. Each region in our AWS account comes with a default VPC which will make any resources added publicly accessible. For most production applications this isn't a great thing to use as we'll want to be more specific about which services are publicly accessible and which ones are only available to our own services within our VPC so it's recommended to create a new VPC. But since we're just following along with the textbook to get our application online, it's fine for us to use this default VPC.
If you're using us-east-2 like I am, we'll choose the subnets us-east-2a, us-east-2b and us-east-2c. Each subnet we add makes our cluster more available and resilient to failure. We can also go with the default VPC security group which will allow all traffic in and out of our cluster. Again, if we were setting up a production application this isn't a great practice, but for this use case it's will work just fine and will save us quite a bit of setup time.
For the rest of the cluster configuration, we can just click through. We don't need any extra add-ons for our simple cluster. Once we create our cluster, it will take a while for AWS to set it up. I timed it and it took over 9 minutes! This would be a great time to aimlessly pace or get a snack.
Once that's over with, it's time to create the node group. Once the cluster has Active status, go to the Compute tab for the cluster and click "Add node group".
If you ever have an existential crisis, you can always remind yourself at least you're not a nodeless cluster
First we'll need to set the permissions for each node properly. You can use this guide to help give your nodes the proper permissions. To summarize, you'll need to create an IAM role with the AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy, AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly and AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy managed policies and attach it to your node group. The guide recommends to not attach the AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy to this IAM role but rather to a Kubernetes service account. This allows you to follow the least privilege principle by only attaching the IAM role to specific pods that need the policy rather than the entire node group. This is indeed a good idea for a production application, but for the purposes of following along with the book it adds some extra steps and pitfalls that we can avoid by simply attaching it to this node group. But it's important to be aware of this!
Then you'll need to provision your nodes. You can go with the standard Amazon Linux 2 (AL2_x86_64) image type whether you have an x86 processor or not (IE a Mac with an M1 chip. I'll cover that later). As mentioned before, a t3.small instance will be just enough. Note that a t3.micro is too small and you'll run into issues later on if you select a micro. Since our simple video streaming website won't ever get traffic other than ourselves, one node will be fine if we want to save some cents, though it's true that one node isn't much of a cluster. I'll be creating my cluster with only one node since the setup is the important part. I updated my Node group scaling configuration to make sure I only ever have 1 node in my cluster.
I did end up using a t3.small but a t2.small would do just as well too. Potato Potahto in this case
You can then click through to the end and create your node group. Once again, this process will take a bit of time so hopefully you didn't get too full from your previous snack. When it's over, you'll have a cluster with a node group ready to roar and you can move on to the next section!
Earlier in the chapter the book taught you how to install kubectl and you got to deploy to your local Kubernetes instance. Now we need to connect kubectl to our remote Kubernetes cluster. This chapter in the book helps you install the Azure CLI, but luckily we've already covered how to use the AWS CLI in part 1. All we need to do now is run one command:
aws eks update-kubeconfig \
--region us-east-2 \
--name bmdk1
You should get a success message that starts with Added new context Just make sure to use the region you deployed your cluster in.
Once your node group is up and running and you've connected your kubectl cli to your newly made cluster, you'll first have to build your docker image. As the book says, clone the chapter 6 repository and navigate to example 2 (there's almost no code change for this chapter so I did not create a forked repo this time). The book then says you can build with the command docker build -t video-streaming:1 --file Dockerfile-prod . but if you're like me and have a newer Apple computer with a x86 processor (IE an M1 or above) you'll need to run the command docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t video-streaming:1 --file Dockerfile-prod . To build your image for an ARM processor. This will fit the node(s) that we provisioned for our cluster.
Now we'll need to push our built image to an ECR repo. If you don't have an ECR repo from part 1 still, you'll need to create one now. Create it with the command
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name video-streaming —region us-east-2
Then, also like part 1, you'll need to log in to your repo with with
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Next, tag your built image with where you intend to publish it and the version number (1) with docker tag video-streaming:1
You're now ready to push your image! Just run docker push
We've now pushed our built image to ECR and we're just one command away from deployment. Before we can deploy to our cluster however, we'll need to update our deploy script just as the book says. In example-2/scripts/deploy.yaml, update the image to be the full url of the image we just pushed. It should be something like Again, if you're not using us-east-2, remember to replace the region with your region! It may sound repetitive to some people but I made this mistake more than once throughout this chapter.
Now we can deploy! For a quick sanity check, run kubectl config current-context to make sure your current context for kubectl is your remote cluster we just created. Then run kubectl apply -f scripts/deploy.yaml and you should get a message that says
deployment.apps/video-streaming created service/video-streaming created
It shouldn't take long for it to get running after this, just run kubectl get pods and make sure it has running status.
Once it has a running status, you better go catch it! If you're able to track it down, try running a kubectl get services and you should see the load balancer for your video streaming application. Copy that URL and paste it into your browser with a /video and you should see your new favorite video served from a highly scalable single node cluster. How thrilling! You've just created a Kubernetes cluster, node group and ECR repo and have a live application that the cluster is running from the ECR repo. Amazing!
Our highly scalable app accessed through our elastic load balacner! You have permission to roast me for not updating Chrome
Now to destroy everything. As the book says, run kubectl delete -f scripts/deploy.yaml to delete the micro service. Then, before you can delete the cluster, you'll need to navigate to the console to delete the node group. This can take a while. Finally, you can delete the cluster. Double check in any region that you used that you have no EKS clusters or stray EC2s to make sure you don't get any unexpected charges.
And this concludes Chapter 6! Hope you found this useful.